Friday, February 12, 2010

Racing Journal (January 2010)

Weeks 1-4 (1/1-1/31)
January miles: 11.2
January race miles: 11.2
2010 miles: 11.2
2010 race miles: 11.2
2010 races: 2

I've finally gathered up the enthusiasm to begin the 2010 year blog as my injuries are finally on the mend, as of this week only! It's taken much longer than expected for them to heal, but in the meantime I've been: lifting like crazy, doing and teaching BodyPump (weights class), swimming like crazy, and, this week, taking spinning classes! I'm psyching up to do the Contra Costa figure competition in late May. It will be a whole lot of work and a strict regimen during the weeks prior, but hopefully it will be fun and I'll do well :) Also, getting better in the pool, though I know I'll never be a fast swimmer - I do hope to be a good swimmer though. As far as running, well, I haven't been at all really, with the minor exception of a random new year's day race and the JazzTrax snowshoe race, both of which hurt my knee a lot to do... but were still fun. I ran a mile on the treadmill without pain for the first time the day before yesterday...hoping to keep up that trend and get back my running. After all, I'm registered for, get this, way too cool 50k, AR 50 and Boston! At this point I'm hoping to be able to do Boston, slowly... one can hope.

Pics and article about JazzTrax:

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